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The future shape of the Accredited Registers programme - consultation report

23 Apr 2021
  • Our Consultations

Change ahead for the Accredited Registers programme following public consultation - we publish the report of responses to our consultation on the future shape of the programme

Why did we consult?

The programme had not been fully reviewed since it was set up in 2012. We wanted to find out if it was meeting its objectives, what more can be done and what key stakeholders thought. We launched the consultation in December 2020 and the deadline for responses was 18 February 2021.

What does the report reveal?

The report presents the analysis of the responses we received as well as looking in more detail at the core themes which have emerged. These include:

  • Recognising the importance of a system of assurance for unregulated health and care roles being embedded within the wider system

  • Supporting the Authority to take greater account of public interest and risks of harm when deciding which registers could be eligible to be accredited whilst preserving patient choice

  • Introducing a sustainable funding model for the programme with a more proportionate assessment cycle.

Find out more

You can find out more in the full report or read through the key stats in the infographic. You can also find out more about the consultation here.

