Jul 29, 2021
On the day we relaunch the Accredited Registers programme, Our Chief Executive explains more about the new Standard for Accredited Registers which will introduce additional checks to test public interest
Jul 22, 2021
Assistant Director of Standards and Policy, Douglas Bilton, goes into detail about the key findings from the report we commissioned by Professor Deborah Bowman entitled Ethics in Extraordinary Times
Jun 16, 2021
With the deadline to respond to the consultation upon us - our Chief Executive puts forward our closing arguments to balance flexibility with transparency and accountability and ensure that public protection is at the centre of future reform
Jun 15, 2021
Two blogs on our power to appeal fitness to practise panel decisions: one from the registrant; and the other from the complainant - with an introduction from our Director of Standards and Policy
Jun 10, 2021
In this blog we explain more about the advice we commissioned on cognitive bias and how they can influence the decisions we make without us even being aware of them
Jun 09, 2021
What happens when regulator's fitness to practise panel gets it wrong? This blog explains how it feels from the point of view of a witness
Jun 03, 2021
In this blog, our Director of Scrutiny and Quality, Mark Stobbs explains more about why we carried out our review of Social Work England's use of accepted outcomes and some of our key findings
May 26, 2021
A guest blog from the Patients Association - giving their perspective on government plans for reforming regulation and asking 'where's the patient voice in these proposals?'
May 14, 2021
As Mental Health Awareness week for this year draws to a close, our Director of Scrutiny Quality blogs about how for many health/care workers, the conversation has to continue with regulators and employers
May 12, 2021
Natasha Wynne explains more about our recently published research on whether consistency matters between regulators and what the public, patients and professionals think about consistency in health and care regulation
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