May 24, 2018
How does professional identity benefit patient safety? What role do regulators have on the formation of that identity? Dr Kolyva reflects on how ‘space’ and ‘place’ can contribute to developing professional identity
May 10, 2018
Confusing? Complicated? Has the way we regulate health and care professions in the UK passed its sell-by date? In this blog, Douglas Bilton explains why we think it is time for a change and puts forward some ideas for new ways to regulate
Apr 25, 2018
What is professional regulation, why do we have it and how does it work? Questions we asked and answered in our first blog. In part 2, we delve deeper into the subject – exploring some of the challenges regulation faces and considering the alternatives
Apr 10, 2018
Red tape? Badge of honour? An historical hotchpotch – out of step with modern times? There is no doubt that professional healthcare regulation is complicated. Policy Adviser at the Authority, Michael Warren, explains professional regulation in the UK
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