Have you missed any of our blogs?
Since our last newsletter, we have published blogs on:
Covid-19 and its impact on health and care: a view from Wales: The second in our series of guest blogs looking at the impact of the Coronvirus pandemic across the four nations of the UK - a guest blog from Dr Angela Parry from Health Education and Improvement Wales.
- Black History Month: reflecting on our responsibilities: During Black History Month, and spurred on by the tragic circumstances of George Floyd’s and others’ untimely deaths, we at the Authority are reflecting on our responsibilities to promote equality, and to support and celebrate diversity and inclusion.
- Black History Month: regulation has a responsibility to promote equality, diversity and inclusion: Our director of scrutiny and quality writes about how regulation, regulators and the Authority itself all need to take action to promote equality, diversity and inclusion and it shouldn't take one month a year to highlight it.
A new approach to stakeholder engagement for the Authority: We have published our new stakeholder engagement strategy - effective engagement plays a vital part in helping us to achieve our objectives: to protect the public, promote good professional standards and maintain public confidence in regulation.
The Covid-19 crisis presents challenge and opportunity for health and care in England: Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive of NHS Confederation, provides a guest blog on how the NHS has had to adapt quickly to the changes and challenges thrown its way by Covid-19 and how these could provide an opportunity to ‘reset’ how we work.
- When the Duty of Candour becomes personal: A guest blog from Sarah Seddon, a healthcare practitioner and a patient, who discusses how the Duty of Candour has affected her personal life.
- From lose-lose to win-win: the key role of mediation in the healthcare regulator of the future: A guest blog from Jennie Jones where she discusses whether mediation has a potential role in resolving some fitness to practise cases.
- A review of research into health and social care regulation: In this guest blog, Professor Alison Bullock and Julie Browne from Cardiff University explain more about why we asked them to undertake a review of research into professional regulation and what it has revealed.
- Covid-19 – a time for slow and regulatory solidarity: A guest blog from Ann Gallagher, author of Slow Ethics and the Art of Care, looks at how Covid-19 has made ethics mainstream and how doing the right thing involves weighing a range of personal and professional considerations.
- Sharing concerns with us - the role it plays in our performance reviews: We cannot investigate individual complaints about regulators but, in this blog we explain how we can use concerns and complaints shared with us to feed into our performance reviews and how this can help others.
- Health and Care regulators and how they are responding to Covid-19: Statutory regulators responded to the pandemic in different ways: adapting quickly to create temporary registers to boost the workforce, or advising their registrants on the need too practise from a safe distance.
- Accredited Registers and how they are responding to Covid-19: It’s been a challenging time for the Accredited Registers - they needed to respond proportionately, but effectively to the Coronavirus pandemic. This blog looks at that response, the challenges they face and insights gained over the last few months.
- New Standards of Good Regulation: In 2016 we asked whether our Standards of Good Regulation were still fit for purpose? The answer was both yes and no. We have just published our first performance review using the new Standards - this blog explains more about why and how they were revised.
You can find all our blogs on our website.