We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
The Authority's response to the Nursing and Midwifery Council's consultation on proposals for nurses and midwives seeking to return to practice
The Authority's response to the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland's consultation on its draft indicative sanctions guidance
The Authority's response to the HCPC's consultation on revising its indicative sanctions guidance
The Authority's response to the GPhC's discussion paper on making sure patients and the public obtain medicines and other pharmacy services safely online
The Authority's response to the GPhC's consultation on developing its approach to regulating registered pharmacies
The Authority's response to the Nursing and Midwifery Council's consultation on changes to its fitness to practise function
The Authority's evidence to the Joint Committee on the draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill
The Authority's response to the General Osteopathic Council's consultation on changes to its quality assurance of osteopathic education
The Authority's response to the General Dental Council's consultation on its educational processes
Our response to the Department for Education consultation on the secondary legislative framework for Social Work England, the new regulator for social workers in England.