We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
We publish our response to the Nursing and Midwifery Council's consultation on English Language requirements
We publish our response to the General Dental Council's consultation on its Strategic Plan
We publish our response to the General Optical Council's call for evidence on the Opticians Act and consultation on associated GOC policies
We publish our response to the General Medical Council's consultation on revising its standards of Good Medical Practice
We publish our response to UK Government’s proposals for a new ten-year Mental health and wellbeing plan for England
We publish our response to the consultation on changes to the regulatory framework for Social Work England
We publish our response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on draft guidance on equality for pharmacies
We publish our response to Social Work England's consultation on amendments to its rules
We have published our response to the Department of Health Northern Ireland Consultation on Statutory Regulation of the Pharmacy Technician Workforce
We publish our letter commenting on the Terms of Reference for the Covid-19 Inquiry