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Advanced Practice: Report to the four UK Health Departments

July 2009 advice to Secretary of State

How regulators quality assure education

June 2009 advice to the Secretary of State on the process for quality assurance of undergraduate health programmes by the nine healthcare professional regulators.

Health conditions at registration

June 2009 advice to the Secretary of State providing advice on the use and purpose of the health professional regulatory bodies’ requirements regarding registrants’ health.

Prioritising section 60 order proposals

Our April 2009 advice to the Secretary of State provides the Department of Health with recommendations on a new Section 60 order to introduce changes to the regulators’ legislation.

Providing references about colleagues: the role of the regulator

February 2009 advice to the Secretary of State considers whether specific guidelines should be written by the regulatory bodies on writing references about colleagues.

Public views on safeguards in healthcare

February 2009 research project

Establishing the General Pharmaceutical Council

Our November 2008 advice to the Secretary of State on setting up the new pharmacy regulator.

Harmonising sanctions in fitness to practise cases

September 2008 advice to the Secretary of State on the principle of harmonisation of sanctions among regulators, with consultation and research results and a subsequent report in November 2009

Sharing the information provided by health professionals when they first apply to join the register

The Authority's advice to the Secretary of State considering the issue of sharing information between regulatory bodies and employers at first entry to the register. Published September 2008

Thresholds for referrals of concerns to regulatory bodies

Our August 2008 advice to the Secretary of State recommends how employers should conduct investigations into concerns, and whether there might be a common definition of the threshold for referral of a concern to a regulatory body.